
John 3:1-21

Sermon Summary

Healthy public faith begins with a clear understanding of what the Church is and how God intends for it to relate to the World. In John 3:1-21 we find that:

  1. God loves the world and he’s actively drawing people to himself, so Christians should have the same posture toward other people.
  2. Love doesn’t leave people alone. Its agenda is to align all of our lives with the light of truth.
  3. Faith isn’t a special spiritual virtue that some have and some don’t; it’s a willingness to face reality and trust that Jesus is telling the truth.
  4. Conversion isn’t about a dramatic experience, but being “born from above” into a new relationship with God where we can finally live for him.
Discussion Questions
  1. Why is hands-off affirmation of whatever people do an impoverished version of love?
  2. If God loves the world, what are some reasons why the world does not "feel" loved by God's people?
  3. Describe someone you love who does not believe in Jesus. What evidence can you see that Jesus might be drawing them to himself?
  4. What did you used to think "born again" meant? How does the better translation "born from above" help you understand your own identity as a Christian?
  5. How can you communicate the paradoxical truth that human beings are both deeply loved and "worth-full" to God, while also profoundly "out of whack" and in need of rescue?
Resources Consulted:
  • True to Our Native Land: An African-American New Testament Commentary, ed. Brian K .Blount
  • The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCaulley
  • Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
  • The Message of John, Bruce Milne
  • John for Everyone, Part 1, N.T. Wright
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