The So-Loved World

Sermon Summary
Healthy public faith begins with a clear understanding of what the Church is and how God intends for it to relate to the World. In John 3:1-21 we find that:
- God loves the world and he’s actively drawing people to himself, so Christians should have the same posture toward other people.
- Love doesn’t leave people alone. Its agenda is to align all of our lives with the light of truth.
- Faith isn’t a special spiritual virtue that some have and some don’t; it’s a willingness to face reality and trust that Jesus is telling the truth.
- Conversion isn’t about a dramatic experience, but being “born from above” into a new relationship with God where we can finally live for him.
Discussion Questions
- Why is hands-off affirmation of whatever people do an impoverished version of love?
- If God loves the world, what are some reasons why the world does not "feel" loved by God's people?
- Describe someone you love who does not believe in Jesus. What evidence can you see that Jesus might be drawing them to himself?
- What did you used to think "born again" meant? How does the better translation "born from above" help you understand your own identity as a Christian?
- How can you communicate the paradoxical truth that human beings are both deeply loved and "worth-full" to God, while also profoundly "out of whack" and in need of rescue?
Resources Consulted:
- True to Our Native Land: An African-American New Testament Commentary, ed. Brian K .Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCaulley
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- The Message of John, Bruce Milne
- John for Everyone, Part 1, N.T. Wright
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