
Hosea 14:1-9

Sermon Summary

Jesus Christ calls us to wisdom. This wisdom is displayed as we hear his promise of healing and respond by turning from our addition to sin. Part of what we find in this passage is God’s desire for his people to be known as a community committed to confession and repentance. We see in verses 5-7 that this mark of Jesus’ church helps make her beautiful from the inside out.

Discussion Questions
  1. What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
  2. The first slice of bread in the “Road to Recovery” sandwich is repentance. What is the connection between wisdom and repentance?
  3. The meat in the middle of the “Road to Recovery” sandwich is restoration. Where do we see a need for restoration and abundance in the church today? What about in our society? What would that restoration look like in your church or community?
  4. The second slide of bread in the “Road to Recovery” sandwich is recognition. This second slice returns to the need for wisdom. Hosea describes two types of people, the upright and transgressors. What is the difference between these two people? How do those differences show up in the way we live?

Resources Consulted:
  • The Message of Hosea, Love to the Loveless, Derek Kidner
  • The New American Commentary: Hosea, Joel, ed Ray Clendenen
  • Hosea: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Hosea, Hans Walter Wolff
  • Wisdom’s Call, 100 Meditations for a Life in Christ, Karen A. Ellis
  • Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church, Dione Langberg
  • An Exegetical & Expository Commentary, the Minor Prophets: Hosea, ed. Thomas McComiskey

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