
Philippians 3:12-4:1

Sermon Summary

Some people live as enemies of the cross of Jesus. They may be nonbelievers, or they may be professing Christians who are not truly converted. Worldliness can show up anywhere, and it's marked by at least four qualities listed in verse 19. The only way to resist it is to imitate other humble, growing Christians who glory in the cross, fix their eyes on Jesus and anchor their hopes in eternity.

Discussion Questions
  1. What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
  2. Which of the four qualities in v. 19 seem most prevalent in our society today? Where do you see them in the church? Where do you see them in your own heart?
  3. How does following the way of the cross require you to suffer? What makes it so hard to embrace that?
  4. Think of a person you want to imitate. What are they like? What about them do you want to imitate?
  5. Do you struggle to encourage people to imitate your life? Why or why not?
  6. What's the difference between "standing firm thus in the Lord" (4:1) and "taking a stand" for Christian values in society? 
Resources Consulted:
  • True to Our Native Land: An African-American New Testament Commentary, ed. Brian K .Blount
  • The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCaulley
  • Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
  • The Message of Philippians, Alec Motyer
  • Tyndale Commentary on Philippians, Ralph Martin
  • Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters, N.T. Wright
  • Word Biblical Commentary on Philippians, Gerald Hawthorne

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