© Oh Sparrow Music 2024. Chris Weldon, Alex Fleeman.

Psalm 62:5 says “Yes, my soul, find rest in God” (NIV). While our salvation is free, we still have to work out for ourselves how to find rest, hope, and ultimately relate to God in our day-to-day. We have our own role to play, and Jesus is with us to the very end of the age.


Confession: I often start my mornings by checking my phone.

I’m not proud of it—I wish my first instinct was to pray, hydrate, exercise or almost anything else. Giving in to this urge feeds an anxiety monster who wants to “stay connected” and “not let people down”.

In Matthew 11:28-29, Jesus offers a different path: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me... and you will find rest for your souls.”

Ah. True rest, even with a yoke, sounds appealing. I’ve had moments of feeling “good-tired,” but this sounds different and much more consistent. I want that. I hope you do too.

Our song “Finding My Rest” draws inspiration from Psalm 62 (NIV): “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him... Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him.” Finding our rest is possible, and it’s a process. That’s the “finding” part.

For me, “finding my rest” is committing to feed my inner child who daily needs to know he is lovable simply because his King says so. Just as I feed my own children, I need to feed this child too. The anxiety monster can whimper in the background.

What does “finding your rest” look like for you?


I am finding my rest
I am finding my rest
In Jesus I'm finding my rest
I'm a child of the King
And to Him I will sing
When I'm deep in the toil and stress

I am finding my hope
I am finding my hope
It's rising within me today
By my King's mighty hand
On the rock I will stand
When the waves come to wash me away

Jesus is with me so I will not fear
Though the nations rage
Jesus is with me I know He is near
To the end of the age
To the end of the age

I am finding my voice
I am finding my voice
I'm learning to pour out my cares
And He listens to me
And I know He is pleased
To receive every song, every prayer

Jesus is with me so I will not fear
Though the nations rage
Jesus is with me I know He is near
To the end of the age
To the end of the age

Jesus is with me so I will not fear
Though the nations rage
Jesus is with me I know He is near
To the end of the age
To the end of the age
To the end of the age


More info, chord charts and lead sheets available at OhSparrow.com.

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