Why is the Gospel is Good News for Your Body?

Last spring, Westside hosted "FEAST: Broken Bodies", a conference on living with and walking alongside physical suffering and body image issues.

We opened our voicemail story line for people to tell personal stories of brokenness. We heard from those wanting to share their journey with illness, the difficulties of living without wholeness and the hope they have found despite or because of a broken body.

If you have a minute, we'd love to share these stories with you on the Westside youTube channel (link in bio). Our sincerest thanks to everyone who shared their personal testimony so that others might be encouraged.

Here are a few thoughts that shaped how we approached this project:

God’s grace is for the brokenhearted.

Pain is a part of our shared human experience but we believe in a God who is near, who binds our wounds, and who offers rest. Although we don’t have all the answers, we trust in the loving nature of God.

Though hope often feels distant, it is always near.

We believe that hope isn't wishful thinking but a concrete promise. And, the resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of this hope: death does not have the final say, nor does suffering, in out ultimate end.

The church, religion and Christians have often failed to sit or act appropriately with those who are hurting.

Too often, churches have rushed to speak, judge or act in reaction to loss, grief and heartache. We've purposefully crafted a 'listening-only' medium in opening the voicemail line. Our intent is to be present as listeners without creating an opportunity to interject an opinion, label or overlay subtext on a specific person's story.

Christian community eases heartache in isolation.

Physical struggle can lead to isolation, which often creates further mental struggle. In this way, we recognize that pain can multiply pain. An imperfect but effective remedy is Christian community - both for those that consider themselves to be a believing Christian and for those that find themselves in a place and time when they need love, support and listening without knowing where the edges of their faith lay.

As you watch, consider any ways that these stories might help you to find hope despite your own heartache; and how you might hold both of these seemingly oppositional concepts together in your mind and heart without self-judgement, while leaning on a God who is near and ready to listen.


Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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