Secret Reward

Sermon Summary
We're all tempted to make public displays of religiosity, but Jesus warns us that the "reward" for it is shallow and fleeting. His alternative is secret sacrifices of expectation, which bring rich, lasting rewards that we begin to taste in this life. Knowing this contrast helps us to reject the first and embrace the second, but we still need more. When we trust that only Jesus has perfectly practiced this vision, we can hide ourselves in him, trusting his Holy Spirit to keep growing us and to bear fruit through us.
Discussion Questions
- What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
- Describe an example of public religiosity that bugs you. Why does it bug you?
- How specifically are you tempted to call attention to your religious acts—whether giving, fasting, praying, or something else?
- Do you struggle to believe that God is eager to celebrate and reward your successes? If so, why?
- Which aspect(s) of God's reward in this life are most appealing to you?
- How do you practice meal prayers—in private, in public, and with non-believing friends?
- Name some specific good things that you see in the people in your group, or in our church more broadly.
Resources Consulted:
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
- Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
- The Message of Matthew, John Stott
- The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
- Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster
- The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey
- The Best Argument Against Having Faith in God (article, Ross Douthat
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