His Baptism

Sermon Summary
Jesus' baptism can seem strange and unnecessary, yet it previews his entire ministry. He comes not to smite, but to bless, fulfilling God's ancient plan to invite men and women into the very heart of God. The Father's pronouncement, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased" now applies to all who are united to Jesus. And since grace aways precedes obedience, the same Spirit who descended on Jesus now fills believers with power to do his will.
Discussion Questions
- What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
- Have you ever been puzzled that Jesus got baptized? What else might he mean by "fulfill all righteousness"?
- John expected Jesus to bun the wicked and bless the righteous. What do YOU expect him to do with you?
- How does the sprawling, surprising plan of God—which sometimes makes complete sense, and other times makes none—fit with how you experience the world?
- Name one specific hard thing that God asks you to do. How does the Spirit's indwelling power give you hope that you can?
- How does Jesus' baptism affect your view of who and how we should baptize today (e.g., infants? immersion?)
Resources Consulted:
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
- Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
- The Message of Matthew, Michael Green
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