Your Body

Your body is very good because God made it, Jesus has one, and the Holy Spirit lives there. It’s easy for us to live under a spiritualized worldview—like it’s only the spiritual things that are really good and important to God. But since he is the Good Creator, all of creation, all of this physical stuff, is infused with his goodness.
Even though that goodness is damaged by sin, God still cares about his creation and is in the process of redeeming it for himself. When he himself took on a body as the God-Man, Jesus of Nazareth, it not only amps up the volume of his Genesis 1:31 declaration that creation is “very good”, it accelerated that process of redeeming the whole world.
One day, at Jesus’ second coming, this whole universe will be resurrected, and God’s people will have their bodies glorified as they enjoy him in the new creation for all eternity.
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