Why Want to Pray

Sermon Summary
Jesus warns us how not to pray—not to be seen, not to babble on and on, and not to ask forgiveness without forgiving. By contrast, the Lord's Prayer gives us categories for praying, as well as easons we should want to. Most of these reasons are embedded in the first line, "Our Father in heaven." It means that the God of the universe pays close attention to us, welcomes us into his family through Jesus, and has the power to answer our prayers. Even when his answer is No or Not yet, his ear is already open, his Kingdom is already coming, and he is already committed to providing what we truly need.
Discussion Questions
- [Optional starter question] What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
- Describe your experience with praying, either alone or in public. Why is it hard for you to pray?
- What about the Lord's Prayer motivates you to pray? Is any word or phrase especially precious to you?
- Which word resonates most with you and helps you to seek God's forgiveness: debts, trespasses, or sins?
- Name a worst-case scenario you'd like to avoid. How does the Lord's Prayer help relieve your fears and anxieties about it?
- How do you practice gratitude—and how can you do it more? Name some specific little things you are thankful for today.
- Is there someone you are unwilling to forgive? Take Jesus' challenge and commit to forgive (and keep forgiving) them. Ask a friend to hold you accountable.
Resources Consulted:
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
- Matthew for Everyone, NT Wright
- The Message of Matthew, John Stott
- The Divine Conspiracy, Dallas Willard
- The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey
- A Praying Life, Paul Miller
- Prayer, Tim Keller
An Anti-Lord's Prayer:
My personal offsite advisor, here’s what I want:
Make my name great,
Expand my influence, and
Achieve my dreams.
I can picture it all in my head,
so just make sure it happens through my hands.
And give me way more than I need,
so I won’t have to need you every day.
Overlook my shortcomings,
even if I have to punish others for theirs.
And keep me comfortable,
so I’ll always know that I have what it takes.
Because it’s my life, and my dreams,
and I’m the one who gets credit for achieving them.
Got it, god?
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