You have been set free by Jesus, so take your stand for your freedom! This freedom means that we are free from putting our trust in our own obedience to the Law to save us. It also means that we're free from cultural and social laws or expectations as requirements to be justified or to fit in. Slavery to the law robs us of the blessings of grace. It separates us from Christ and is destructive to our relationships. The cross is offensive because it reminds us that we cannot save ourselves. Jesus set us free! You are set free for love, not sin. This freedom brings a changed heart that longs to love. If you're using your freedom for sin, you're not getting the Gospel! God enables us through His Spirit to love and serve one another rather than bite and devour one another. The freedom you have in Christ is critical to real, gospel holiness. Forgetting it, ignoring it, or underemphasizing it makes for feeble faith. God's Kingdom is best previewed on Earth and extended by free people who know their God loves them!

Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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