The Case for Conscience

Sermon Summary
When it comes to disputable issues like politics, Christians should reject the tendency to despise or pass judgment on each other—because at the end of the day, each one of us stands (or falls) before Jesus. And if you stand, it’s not because you figured everything out or did everything right, but because Jesus is full of mercy and grace! Whether you come down on an always-or-never side or a freedom side, the important thing is that you are “fully convinced” in your own mind, and that you do everything to “honor the Lord.” If you think you’re right, you can try to gently persuade other people, but don’t let it become the main thing. The test for everyone is whether your life is characterized by “righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit”—or by self-righteousness about particular pet issues.
Discussion Questions
- What stood out or stuck with you from the sermon?
- Do you personally tend more to “live and let live” or to correct those who err? What influences and experiences have led you to that tendency?
- How should the Gospel of grace shape the way you hold your own political opinions?
- How do you distinguish between someone who is self-righteously offended by a choice you make, versus someone who is led to act against their own conscience because of a choice you make?
- The Bible teaches both personal responsibility and social conditioning. Choose a common political issue and explore how this truth should shape the way you think about it.
- Name some specific things that God calls you not to think, say or do toward those who disagree with you. Now name some specific things that God calls you to think, say or do toward them.
- Imagine what it would be like if Christians in America were more characterized by “righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit” than by strident political activism. How might people “hear” the Gospel differenttly? How might it affect our country?
Resources Consulted:
- Africa Bible Commentary, ed. Tokunboh Adeyemo
- True to Our Native Land, ed. Bryan K. Blount
- The New Testament in Color, ed. Esau McCauley
- Paul for Everyone, NT Wright
- Discovering the Joy of a Clear Conscience, Christopher Ash
- Compassion and Conviction, Justin Giboney and Chris Butler
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