Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness helps us fight temptation in our own lives. Behind each
of them is a question tempting him to doubt his relationship to God:
1. Turn Stones to bread: Will God take care of me?
2. Get authority & glory in exchange for worship: Does God know what he’s doing?
3. Throw himself down & be rescued: Does God care when I’m hurting?
The same kinds of questions lie behind our own temptations today. What’s at stake is not
primarily our moral purity but our ongoing, dynamic trust in the Lord. Until Jesus returns, we
will continue to face temptations and sometimes fail. Thankfully, Jesus perfectly passed the test
that Adam failed, Israel failed, and we fail today. He continued perfectly trusting God the Father
throughout his life, all the way through his death and resurrection. As a result, the same Spirit
who empowered Jesus now dwells in everyone who trusts in Jesus by faith. This Spirit is first of
all the Spirit of Sonship, who reminds us that God is well pleased with us because of Jesus. He is
also a spirit of power, love, and self-control (2 Tim 1:7). Because Jesus’ temptation was fully
human in every respect, his Spirit is able to help us when we are being tempted (Heb 4:15). And
because his Spirit indwells the whole church, we are not alone in our struggle.

Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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