Jesus’ question in v. 12 invites us to consider why he washed his disciples’ feet. We can discern at least three reasons: First and most obviously, so we will wash each others’ feet in humble acts of service. Right now, doing this wisely requires creativity! Second and most importantly, so we will know our own need to be spiritually cleansed by faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross. As Peter learned in vs. 8-11, only those who are “washed” by Jesus have any share in him. Third and most practically, so we will continue applying the finished work of Jesus to our own ongoing need for forgiveness. Just as our feet need regular washing, so our souls need regular repentance and faith to keep growing. All of these reasons are fueled by Jesus’ amazing love for us “to the end” – or as some translations put it, “to the uttermost” (v. 1).

Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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