Jesus comes and sees us so that we will come and see him. “Come and see” are not so much two different actions as a whole-person, hands-on engagement with another person. Jesus models this come-and-see practice by drawing them out with questions (Andrew & John), renaming them (Peter), calling them (Philip), praising their honesty, revealing his supernatural watchfulness and intriguing them with promises of even greater seeing (Nathanel). The disciples, likewise, come-and-see Jesus by following the clues offered by John the Baptist (“The Lamb of God”) and each other (“The Messiah,” “The one whom Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote”), watching Jesus, and testing his promises. The more we recognize Jesus coming-and-seeing us, the more actively we come-and-see him, building a real and ever-transforming relationship with him.

Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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