John’s sparse account of Jesus’ first miraculous sign raises all sorts of fascinating questions: How did he really feel about marriage? What was his relationship with his mother? Why did she care about the wine supply? Why did he create enough wine that could make people drunk – and why put it in ceremonial purification jars? All answers revolve around v. 11. Consistent with the purpose of John’s Gospel (20:31), Jesus performed the miracle so that people would “believe in him” – that is, dynamically trust him. In order for us to trust him today, we must understand that he cares about the smallest details of our lives, yet he always acts according to his mission (his “hour,” v. 4). This mission was a way of suffering and death that would replace the old ways of purification with the extravagant “new wine” of the kingdom. Until Jesus returns for the final wedding feast, we who trust him must learn to celebrate every foretaste of his abundant kingdom now, even in the midst of sorrow.

Women smiling in front of a church anniversary sign

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