Atlanta westside contact list

Atlanta Westside Contact List
Below, you’ll find a list of topics—and their corresponding point of contact—we regularly receive questions about. Reach out to us any time!
events - Clay Pilcher
membership - Josh Kim
community groups and grace groups - Mamie Williams
discipleship programs - Jenna Teachey
community outreach - Michael Bunch
volunteering - Clay Pilcher
counseling - Counselors & Care
financial assistance - Jason Veatch
grief - Deacons
prayer needs - Deacons
talk to an elder - Elders
talk to a pastor - Nagib Hermes
theological question - Elders
adult baptisms - Josh Kim
report an issue - Safe Church team
Family Ministry
infant and children's baptisms - Joe Parker
children - Alaina Meyer
youth - Wyatt Brown
marriages/weddings - Nagib Hermes
General + Operations
church building - Meghan Penland
classifieds - Valerie Palmer
giving - Valerie Palmer
worship/sermon - Corey Fleeman
website or app - Corey Fleeman
all other - Valerie Palmer
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